These are some of my letters that I have written over the past few years. Also take caution as they are not aimed at the followers of the Father but to the leaders or so called preachers or priest, i.e The Pope, etc.
Man shall not live on bread alone but by every word of God. Mankind does not starve because God will's it but because of the hardness of mankind's heart. For those who truly hear the word, this is depressing truth. There have been many times when I hungered for bread but was satisfied with the Lord's word. To bad others are not the same, instead of swallowing the word they spit it up and take the bread from other's who truly hunger.
This used to be the season of hollies no matter what man made religion you follow, man came together in peace and love, but the wedge that the evil one has put in our hearts from the beginning is getting deeper. I remember the Father said, "Those who are for me are not against me, but spread my word." I believe he was right for the time He walked with our brothers, the one's who where not chosen by lord still went out and gave praise but they did it to give hope and spread joy. Those today do it for evil intentions, wealth, power and lust, need I go on. It is time to start the plague for the wolves in sheep's clothing.
A false prophet or messenger is one who uses the word of God for there own gain, sacrifice does not mean killing other's to force your point of view, and then to say it is the word of God is blasphemy in itself. Remember when legend becomes fact print the legend, it seems lies are a much more profitable business than truths. Why is it when some hear the Truth it angers them when it should elate them, because they are used to living in lies and darkness instead of the light and truth.
Also, remember, If you hold true on earth I will hold true in Heaven. Key word brothers IF, so do I need to say I don't think we kept our part. Also is not the Father the giver of freewill and his TWO commandments were. 1) There is one God and love him
2) Love your neighbor. But yet you lay down rules and laws with no more authority, which was taken away when you hid the truth. You did not appoint me, but yet the Father gave favor to me in understanding and knowledge of his word not you. Now your way is the way of old just like our Old Testament brothers the father no longer hears your prayer. Is not knowing and doing nothing just as bad as doing it yourself. Yes we are all guilty of it but not in the same evil way. There is no lesser evil, and those of us with understanding know our guilt is not of evil but for repentance, where as some just go on about there business and steal more of his flock away.
Take heed the time is coming and when He only knows, and until then those who abuse the word, Will be abused ten fold back and those who profit from the Lord's word in wealth and power, you too ten fold and you shall know how the poor and meek live and the sick and lame. For the most unrighteous the Father shall bring down things upon you that I am unable to speak of. Also to those followers of the Wicked the time has come to Cast the Light on you so you scurry like cockroaches for all to see you do exist, then when people see that the Evil one does exist they will be in horror because then they know the Father really does exist. So hear the word and repent, are we so filled with pride we can not ask for forgiveness and apologize to the Father for our evil ways. Not all of the Fathers ways are as easy, except repentance just ask for him to forgive you, that is why he made it so. Remember just ask, He does listen.
To My Brothers on this crusade in life stay strong His Word will prevail, it always does and always will so don't give up, times will get worse before they get better this we know, so stay on the Right path and give love to those in need, give hope to those in times of sorrow and give prayer to the lost and evil that they too, see the LOVE and MERCY our Father is capable of giving. With that being said, you love the same and keep your faith strong because that is all we have that the evil can not take away. Peace unto you and God Bless. Matthew.
Brothers and Sisters,
When we preach do we truly understand the words we are preaching to others. Because I know if I preach the Word and my heart is not truly filled and pure, not only am I defiling myself but also those who follow. If you sin you defile yourself and suffer the consequences for your ignorance, but if you make your followers commit to error and sin not only will they suffer for their sin but you too will suffer twice as bad for bringing them out of the Light and into darkness. I also ask do we hear and understand because I remember the Father lightening our load with His new testament and He gave us Two new commandments to follow 1 There is only one God and Love him 2 Love your neighbor as you would yourselves. Then why when you pray do you pray to our fellow brothers who picked up their crosses before us are they more worthy then us. I say not, remember the Father said "The one who is greatest will be the least and those who are least shall be the greatest". Now I know I do not have to explain that or this, did not he also say "Those who are first shall be last and last shall be first". It is time again for the Truth and The Word to shine again.
Those who hear are truly from his flock. Also why do we try to confuse our followers with doctrines handed down with pagan influence while it might have sufficed for the hypocrites and self righteous, they tried to appease the non believers while not caring to please the Father, and now the lie has turned into an abomination, because the truth to Christmas is rooted in paganism and pays homage to false gods. It is time to fix the wrongs that man has error in his heart. If you are offended by the Lord's words then ask yourself if you are from his flock. Time is closing in on the evil and the Light will shine true again. Only the Father knows when and where. If we repent and ask for forgiveness and right our wrongs before He comes our suffering won't be as horrible as if we just kept our ignorance. God bless and Peace be gladly welcomed brothers and sisters.Matthew
We start out with good intentions, take sports for example it brings people closer together and makes us happy. Or movies and television used to be great, the actors and actresses and writers were just trying to tell a story and lift up our spirits. Better yet we were given the greatest gift of all over 2000 years ago, repentance for our sins and a promise of eternal life also this gift sent out men to spread his word and give hope, happiness, cheer and most of all redemption. Like I said in the beginning we started out with good intentions and after our brothers left the now, the evil one saw his opportunity to once again divide and devour the flock. We think that just because in the two thousand years that have passed, we have become more advanced and smarter than our ancestors. While technologically as a race that may be true, but the reality is we have taken a few more steps back than forward. Think about it, these Ideas may have started out for a good purpose but just like everything else, it is not about bringing us together anymore but how much can we get from them. By taking things so innocent and dear to us and manipulating it to squeeze every last bit out they can.
We need to wake up brothers and sisters the wicked one can keep the money, because whether you believe it or not, you can't take it with you. What I am talking about is our faith he has also divided and keeps devouring my Fathers flock. Faith does not come from our churches or the so called leaders of the churches they just lead you blind down a path that has no light but the stench of lies and deceit. They have tried to keep the things written, hidden from the ones who it was written for. They forget man may have written it down but it was God who gave us the word. God gave them the word but not the knowledge to understand the Word.
The evil one can keep all the things that bring out the worst in us, lust, power and greed. Remember lust is temporary it feels better than love at first, but that is what he want's it to do, because once the lust goes there is no love. Now it is sorrow. Power we all seek it but majority for the wrong reason and wrong power. We want to get in a position so we can force our ideas and point of view. Remember with power comes responsibility, once you use that power for wrong the wicked one has beaten you again.
With greed it to may also start out as innocent as putting food on the table, but then the master of deceit hangs the carrot in front of our faces promising to fill our hunger and quench our thirst, when in fact it just makes you hunger for more and thirst for blood. We all want to better ourselves but at what cost, some don't care if there gain is from someone's downfall. Also instead of just wanting to provide, we also want.
The time has come for us to take back what was given to us at the beginning and that was the Fathers word. The fallen one has used us to twist it for him, now we must get rid of his minions who do his biding and make sure you do not get trapped. By this I mean why kill when you can work it out, may it be divorce or misunderstanding there is no need to take someone else life, as easy as it may be, and it is not our place to make this judgment, if you do, this judgment will come back ten fold. Also remember the Father told us the bed of marriage is not defiled. But does that hold true today, I don't remember him saying it is ok to have more than 1 spouse or it is ok to have someone on the side, I don't remember him saying "what they don't know won't hurt them", or "What happens in Vegas stay's in Vegas". These are words of the wicked. We also forget there is no good or bad. It is Good meaning from God or Evil meaning from the wicked one. If there was such thing as a bad person then that would mean you could be less good, if it is less than good, than in reality it is really evil. Sorry to say but the bogey man does exist, he is the child molester, the rapist or the murderer. Yes they are being influenced through evil but we say it is something else. It is time to make the truth be known to all who seek it. And expose all the wicked for what they really are, evil. Ask God for forgiveness and take back your soul and join God again. Remember the evil can not take your soul because it belongs to the Father, but he can help you defile it, so cleanse your spirit and join the fight against evil. Peace and happiness to all my brothers and sisters and keep faith. The Father is with us. Matthew
I sit here and I watch and listen to all the cries for help and the need to stop these diseases, they sit and point in the wrong directions for cures, they look in the wrong direction because in reality they are not curing anything, there just providing a way for you to live with the diseases of humanity. Because lets be honest with ourselves, we brought forth these plagues that torment mankind on ourselves. We want our food faster, our cars faster, we want non stick pans so we don't spend as much time cleaning the dishes, we want a wax that polishes and repels water and dirt, we want our devices wireless and long range, at what a slothful cost, do we put our future generations to suffer worse, by each passing generation. When the farmer is told he needs to provide more beef with less land and time to produce it he turns to mans best friend, chemical enhancement.
Another reason we won't find a cure is another one of mans best friend and gods enemies money, if we find a cure then how will we make money, DUH? Not just the drug manufactures, even though when you think about it, they are the biggest dope pushers, back hurt take this, don't feel happy take this. Then when you think you feel better and try to quit taking your meds they make you worse off then when you started. And they say marijuana is bad for you. It is also the big corporations who have destroyed the families of the world, before them 5days a week at 35 to 40hrs was sufficient, no we have two extra days to waste at work to make more money.
It has become really easy to point the finger at the other guy; we rush and hurry because we have no time, hello that is all we have is time. But we have become so dependent on letting other people manage our time for us. Sit there and think about it, oh we want this or that I need to work the rest of my life for that and Ill be happy, then when that time comes to enjoy, now your to old to enjoy it, or you keep putting off things until tomorrow or I'll do it when I retire, but guess what, a week before you retire or after, you drop dead, how do you enjoy life then? I am not saying live for today and do sinful things, but work enough and spend more time loving, caring, helping and sharing. Remember one thing you were brought forth into this world with nothing and you shall leave it with nothing. We also worry about the children, and if we don't look at ourselves and be good parents and correct the mistakes you've made in raising these children of no God. I say that because you show me in one point in history where children where as murderous and adulterous as adults. If we don't change from with-in then we won't have to worry about the children, because they will have killed each other off. I know we are not all evil people, but they are out numbering the good. Remember the father is not a religion or just for churches, temples, mosques. He is everywhere all around us.
Until we figure out He is everyday, everywhere and live the right way, our path to destruction is inevitable. Until we do what is good and treat everything with the respect He expects, then things shall only get worse in the world. It is not something I have made up but has been preached to us from the beginning and we turned a deaf ear, so now it is only time, and just like prior generations we shall pay for the previous and so on until it changes. For now it is just when will it happen and only the Father knows. So live life and live with faith and respect and if tomorrow is your last be thankful that you lived accordingly and at judgment he will welcome you with open arms. The path isn't hard if you take a look down the wrong path , the grass looks greener but quickly turns to tall thorny weeds. God Bless and peace be welcomed by you. Matthew
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Faith,
The reason the church is in such turmoil, is because we have strayed from the real Word. We have taken the temple our Father gave us and turned it into a physical sense instead of spiritual being. Did he not say He would tear down the temple and rebuild it again in 3 days. Just like the Jews of old we lost the real meaning through the history of our so called leaders. First of all, the lord's temple is in all who hear his words, His temple in us in Faith. For those of us that truly believe, we need only our Faith and the Fathers word. To the ones who do not understand the Word , but yet still preach it to others , need these man made artifacts to believe because they are truly short on Faith. How funny that our so called brethren set up high on there pulpit and preach the good Word and tell you to leave behind all your possessions and pick up your Cross and follow the Lord, which is the word but they do not practice what they preach.
I recall the Father not having a place to lay his head every night. Or food and drink at his beckoning call or asked to be treated like a king of men. That means you sit there in your mansions with all your golden relics of false hope. You take the money from the poor instead of giving it. Then you disburse the money amongst yourselves, because you have fear. Your faith is weak so you worry about where to sleep, instead of fighting of the evil that spreads through your house, the so called church. "If he stays more than 3 days he is a false prophet."
Brothers your churches are in turmoil because the Father no longer listens to your prayers, you did not hold true on earth, so the Father no longer has to hold true in Heaven, for those who did not hold true. Do I need to go through your whole history, because it is humiliating to the Lord, and shame is all I hope we need to wake up and rectify it. Like I have said before, I am a man who has sinned. But, I remember my sins and learn from them and carry with me so I won't forget. Remember just because they are forgiven they are not forgotten, the reason I say this is because we have taken the Fathers word out of context. When He says "forgive your brother unto seventy times." He says this because we are man and fallible and until you hear the real Truth you will keep stumbling. Also you should forget because we always need repentance. The Father doesn?t need to forget, because this He will use against us at our judgment. Remember he or she who knows the law will be judged by the law, and he or she that does not know the law will be judged accordingly. For He is The King of Kings and The Judge of Judges. Peace brothers and sisters hold fast in your faith and don't stray, He hears our prayers and will come swiftly. For only He knows when and where.
Also in times of suffering and contempt, remember the world hated Him first and caused him to suffer for our sins. Also remember those who picked up their Crosses before us, have suffered long enough on the waiting of our judgment. God Bless and Peace unto you. Matthew
Life is funny everything that seem's to be really isn't. All my Life I thought that the people in our lives were here to help us and in turn you do likewise. Yes, we might start out with good intentions, but then the evil things in life take a hold, because this is what we allow him to do, I speak of jealousy, greed, vanity, guile , deceit, lies, and worst of them all HATE. When I say he, I do not mean our Father, Christ, I mean his archenemy, which is ours also. The one who from our creation has set the demise of our fall, thinking his end will never come. Never say Never. Now before I go further, to those few actually will read this, I will describe myself so you will know and see the author's point of view.
I am a 33 year old son of middle class blue collar parents, I am a Heavy equipment mechanic, who from the time I can remember, understood the word. Don't get me wrong just because I understood the word as young kid, who grew up catholic only knew the father on Sunday, CCD, Easter, etc. Sound familiar? I love my parents, but hate them for their ignorance as I hate myself for my Ignorance. We only lead by example so like the Father said "He who is free from sin, cast the first stone." Well anyone, I can't either so yes I have sinned. I am also married to a wonderful wife, who after 3yrs of marriage was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is now a survivor. Thanks to The Father and her medical team. Let's just say for my age I have seen and been a lot of places and situation's that only make you stronger and wiser in life and faith.
Alright let's continue, the Word from the beginning was not the word we where supposed to receive, instead we received a false word mixed in with the Father's word. For Instance for all you religious fanatics, preacher's, reverend's and evangelist of religion that is all you are is religious for man created religion's, to separate the word. I thought the Father hated religion any church, synagogue, mosque or temple is not honor to the Father for He created the materials that we use, he doesn't want brick, metal or wood offered back to Him, He want's love, kindness, selflessness, patience, and most of all Peace not to one but all. Also remember he did not say his way is the easy, he said his yoke would be light and because of the evil one, the Father's way is not the easy way. Remember, He is everyday, everywhere. Even at our miserable jobs if you honor him while you labor, he will honor you back, by helping you with your labor, and when you are finished leave the labor at work and continue with the Father at home. When I say continue, I don't mean hours of meaningless prayer's that has been handed down by hypocrites, or wasteful traditions of dedication. Go back home instead and show compassion to your confused youth because you were once there age, Love your spouse or companion and give them kindness and understanding about there day, also most of all show Peace to your neighbor. Remember the Father said "Knock and I shall open the door, ask and it may be granted to you." I knocked and I received the knowledge I finally asked for. I say finally because we sometime ask for the wrong things, and these are word's to remember "The Father only gives us what we need, not what we want". The reason I am sharing these words with you, is not to boast, or to preach but to share with those the directions to get back on path, and to help those in the dark come to know the Light. "How can you know the Light, if you have not walked in the dark?" Just know GOD has released the knowledge once again and that scares a lot of the powers that be. Just remember to read with an open mind but also look out for deception, see what is true, and when you listen, listen as child during a bed time story but also be aware of the evil words that slip through. "Be as wise as the serpent but as gentle as a Dove". This goes true in everyday life, because don't forget wherever the Father is so is the fallen one, trying to get you back into the dark. Like I said before I am no better than any man who has sinned but now I can decipher Good and evil not right or wrong, Good or bad because that means evil can be good which it can not. When a child murders another or an animal he is not a bad child he is an evil child and his ways need to be changed or he will be an evil adult. Remember evil asks of you one thing and takes another. Good or God asks of nothing for doing good and in return He rewards you in multiples. The time is coming when the beast will unmask him or herself, when and where we do not know and anyone who say's other wise is not of the truth. "The head of prophesy was cut off with John the Baptist." beware of the false prophets"! They are everywhere, but we have come to except them in everyday life with no help from our religions because evil has entered them from there establishment. Those of us who truly believe with all our heart, body and soul we are going to encounter a multitude of evil against us, but if we are to follow the Father, we are to pick up our cross and follow him into battle. Remember freedom is never really free, not until the evil one is banished and Peace remains with us forever. Also, those who think they preach the word and cast judgment the judgment you cast in His Name will come back to Judge you two fold now and at judgment time. It is not our place to judge, but to spread his message with all our heart because only with love come's Peace. Leave judgment to the one whose it is to judge. But, also remember we are only men or women and we stumble when we fall we ask for forgiveness from the One we fell against as He forgives we must do likewise. I to still have trouble with this, I am only a man but with GOD all things are possible, that's why I say we must learn from our troubles, grow from them and share them with others so they don't fall too. But we have a problem with forcing our way's or point of view, just remember GOD is of free will and anything forced Is not his way. To those religious fanatics who preach his Lovely word's of Peace and produce nothing but bad fruit, hate, murder, pedophile, molestation, and deceit the same to you will these plagues and torments, torment you until it is time. "Remember it is not that which we put into our mouths that defiles us, but that which comes out." This means be careful with the words you chose because the evil one wait's to grab your tongue, like we do with our pets. I have a Mastiff, so his tongue is gigantic and easy to grab like mine used to be. "Also you can not put new wine into old skins else it bursts." For those who think they know what this mean's, it means you can not mix the old law with the new laws, plan and simple so if you want to preach,use the Fathers New laws. The words I read and repeat I do not twist for my own way, I read and repeat exactly as written I mention this for all those who are wiser in knowledge does not always mean they preach the truth to those who are not, Then same to those will they become dumb, deaf and blind as the one's they lead astray! Before I leave I would like to share with you something that help's me make it through, when the world feels like it is against you. One, remember it is not the Father who is punishing you, it is the other guy somewhere you stepped out of the light, you just have to ask him to forgive you, and the Light will shine again, no that doesn't mean confessional's or priest's. If you have a crowded house go in the bathroom or closet and confess He is everywhere, confess in the morning on your drive to work. Two, a simple Hail Mary, Amen, or even THANK YOU, does wonder's, The Father is simple he is not complex, the evil one just makes it complex, long meaningless prayer's just Irritates and upset Him, because they are prayers from the hard hearted handed down and we still sing in sorrow when we should rejoice because He gave all of us a chance for redemption and gave us all the ability to spread the joy, but again be careful of the one's with wicked hearts, because misery loves company and happiness is solitary. Think about that one. I can be happy when everyone else is miserable, just look up to the sky smile and say thank you, He will know, then you too will be happy again, no matter whether it is rain or shine He can make you giggle as you did when you where a child, if you just open up your heart. Three, just be kind even if it is burning you up inside because I am sure, sometime in the past you pissed allot of people off as I know I have done, this to is hard and if you stumble just ask for a hand and he will reach out His Hand. With this all Good things are Possible with God. And beware around every corner darkness waits to trap you. Before you knock make sure your faith is true, that doesn't mean you have to know everything just that you are ready to repent to God not man. When you knock ask to be able to See also, but take heed, at first it might seem scary because we fear what we don't know but ounce you grasp what you truly see, hold on tight because the evil one will try to scare the ever living life out of you, just close your eye's look up at the sky and open your eye's and say thank you and then your Faith will be great again. Peace unto those who read and understand and God Bless you on your journey and battle.
It may sound like a bunch of B.S. but if you are true at heart and faith when you knock ask for all the knowledge, because your faith shall prove you. God Bless. Matthew
Do we fall from Grace? I believe we all fall from the Grace of the Father. I believe we fall as a test of our Faith and commitment to the Father. It took me a while to figure out why, and then it just clicks. I believe sometimes we forget what God the Father really is, all around us, just because we can not hear and see him as a physical being. This is where the evil part of science pokes its head out. I sit and watch as they themselves, argue about theories and things they can't themselves physically prove but yet they want us to take their word as Our Law, oh poor souls. This is wrong my friends, I once heard a scientist say they do not have to prove the Father doesn't exist, we have to prove He does. But I say wrong brothers, they have to try and prove he doesn't, Why because even with all Faith aside (not religion because that is made from error of man's heart, the Father gave us Faith) as a common thinking man it all comes to which came first the chicken or the egg Prove to me we came from a single celled organism, and the biggest con, evolution, yes we evolve as beings we get smarter and stronger etc. The same with animals, we adapt another gift from the Father. We did not come from apes, show me an evolved ape since the dawn of man that we know of also show me a talking bear? The Lord does not need to be proven; He shows us He exists with every sun rise.
To the so call leaders of the churches of religion, when will you finally reveal the Truth that you have hidden for the fear of the lies coming back to haunt you. The recent discussion on the discovery of our Saviors tomb will destroy Christianity. No, I say not if the leaders actually understood what they preach and the true word (of the Father).
The Father came back resurrected in the true spirit but appeared to our brothers in the form they knew and understood, because as a man they are afraid of what they do not know. If the body was so important to us for resurrection, do you think the Father would of chose the worst punishment for the body to suffer. The resurrection was for us to celebrate our new life from the old death. Our Fathers true suffering came when people, once again started to twist and hide the true Word. I know the Truth because I sought after it, and was shown the way. I knocked and He answered. Like He said only His flock hear His Word. It is time for the Truth and the Word to come forth again.
To my Brothers and Sisters in truth do not despair He suffered first so rejoice in His suffering and He will endure with you in yours. God Bless and Peace always stay with you. Matthew